Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Monkey business

I'm told that Kathy's sweater originally had a border full of flowers but by the time Karen worked her magic a playful parade of monkeys appeared instead. My fashion consultant and aspiring starlet, sock monkey Vivian, felt it needed a wonky pocket to stash important things for Noah like banana candy...and her phone number. I added a tiny red heel inspired sock on a blocker as a zipper pull.

Down,'re embarrassing yourself.


  1. the talent is astounding. what a cute idea.

  2. Love, and that Vivie is such a doll.

  3. Oh, Lori and Karen!! I can't tell you how much I already love it! Vivie is an adorable model, too.

    I'm finally through with travels, and have a wee job this week, but I should be able to have Pat's on the way early next week. Ready for some time to focus on creating.

    Smooches to you both for such a fabulous addition to my cardigan! I cannot wait to wear it!


  4. Vivvie! SOoo good to see you again!! (I wonder if any other monkeys will sneak out during our projects?)

    lori, I love, love your wonky pocket and little sock zipper pull!! So much fun and great ideas!

    BIG, what funny monkey faces!! Are those embroidered?? xoxoxo
